Latest News
May 30, 2017
Operator III Class
Operator III Class- A busy week in the classroom!
February 24, 2017
SOP Class 02/13
Last week’s attendees conducted several Mechanical Integrity inspections and many Operating Procedures with the IRTC ammonia refrigeration system. A screw compressor shaft seal needed replacement so the students replaced it after thorough isolation and ammonia pump out, concluding with compressor startup.
February 23, 2017
2017 IIAR
February 13, 2017
Operator III Class 02/06
After operating various aspects of the ammonia training system such as DX, flooded, recirculated, cascade, and water chiller, the operators in these pictures observed and controlled hot gas defrost and hot gas heating using hand expansion, dual pressure regulators, and float drainers. The operators and instructors, including our RETA Authorized Instructor, also had thorough discussions and dialogue concerning troubleshooting and cause / effect. After the completion of the Operator III course, several students took the RETA’s CIRO examination.